What are Extensions?
Extensions (also called add-ons or plugins) are components which enhance the functionality of WYSIWYG
Web Builder. Extensions can be accessed through the Toolbox or via the Insert menu just like the standard
objects. In the future we plan to release a wide range of extensions to make WYSIWYG Web Builder even
more powerful than it already is. Some extensions are simply components with few parameters while other
are almost complete applications by themselves...
Extensions are only available for registered users!
Extensions are not officially supported, they are made available as an extra service for the users of
WYSIWYG Web Builder that find them useful and the software is provided "AS IS".
Create amazing logo's for just website with only a few mouse clicks!
Random Image
Displays a different image every time a user visits your website.
Adds text with the halo/aura effect to your page.
Google Text
Create logo's just like the one on!
PHP Guestbook
Use this extension to add a PHP guestbook to your website without any coding!
Lightbox implements a cool way to display pictures on your web site.
RSS Feed
With the RSS Feed extension you can add a RSS Feed to your website in only a few mouse clicks!
PHP File Listing
The PHP File Listing extension generates a listing of the contents of a specified directory on your web site.
Photo Album
The Photo Album extension introduces yet another cool way to display pictures on your web site!
HTML TextBox
Probably the most advanced and powerful extension we have ever created...
Spell Checker
The Spell Checker extension adds spell-checker capability to WYSIWYG Web Builder!
Simple Viewer (DEPRECATED)
Simple Viewer is a cool way to add a professional flash image viewer to your web site.
Postcard Viewer (DEPRECATED)
A flash image viewer based on the real world metaphor of a set of postcards shuffled onto a surface.
AutoViewer is a Flash image viewer. AutoViewer is designed to display a linear sequence of images and captions.
Shaped Text
This extension helps you get creative with text! Display text in more than 150 different shapes!
Random Question CAPTCHA
Random Question displays a random question that must be answered before the user can submit the form
Shiny Button
This extension simulates a ‘shiny’ glass button and uses pure CSS3.
Smart Cart
Smart Cart is a flexible and feature rich jQuery plug-in for shopping cart.
CSS Ribbon
An easy way to create a ribbon-like (CSS styled) header for your website.
jQuery Shadow
The jQuery Shadow extension is a simple way to add cool shadow effects to objects without using images.
Page Redirect
An easy solution for redirecting users to another page based on date, time, day of the week, browser or screen width.
Language Text
Language Text can be used to switch between multiple languages (on the same page) .
CSS3 Animation Menu
An experimental menu to display large menu buttons with an image, title and description with animations.
PayPal MiniCart
MiniCart is a great way to improve your PayPal shopping cart integration.
Responsive Drop Down Menu
A responsive, multi-level menu optimized for desktop computers and mobile (touch) devices.
reCAPTCHA v2 is a new version of reCAPTCHA. Instead of entering text users can now use a single click to confirm they are not a robot..
Slim Menu
A lightweight jQuery plugin to create responsive and multi-level navigation menus on the fly.
Horizontal Drop Down Menu
This responsive menu uses the full width of the browser window and has 2 breakpoints to switch between horizontal and vertical layout.
Full Screen Menu
The Full Screen Menu extension is a responsive menu that takes up the entire screen when expanded.
Jssor Slider
A 'wrapper' for the amazing Jssor Slider script with 377 built-in animations!
Bootstrap Menu
Implements a multi-level, responsive menu optimized for desktop computers and mobile (touch) devices.
Pace is an automatic page load progress bar.
A fully responsive image slider which can also be used in Layout Grids.
Flex Slider
The Flex Slider extension is based on WooThemes’s awesome, fully responsive jQuery slider toolkit:
Slice Box
SliceBox is a fresh 3D image slider.
Another Responsive Image Carousel.
Swiper is powerful responsive Touch Image Slider with many possibilities.
Plyr is a simple, responsive, lightweight and accessible HTML5 media player .
SVG Image - Scalable Vector Graphic
Insert SVG images to your WYSIWYG Web Builder pages.
Secure FTP (PAID)
This WYSIWYG Web Builder extension adds the ability to publish web sites using Secure FTP and FTPS.
Ecwid Web Shop
This is a set of extensions for integrating the easy but powerful Ecwid eCommerce platform (
Do you want to build your own extensions?
Extension Builder is a utility to build your own extensions for WYSIWYG Web Builder. Read more
Looking for more extensions? Already over 250 user made extensions available!
Extensions created by other users of WYSIWYG Web Builder
This extension is a wrapper for OpenWYSIWYG a (online) cross-browser WYSIWYG editor!
Glass Button
This extension gives WYSIWYG Web Builder users an easy way to add trendy glass buttons to their website.
Tilt Viewer (DEPRECATED)
Tilt Viewer is a customizable 3D Flash image viewing application.
Conveyor Belt SlideShow
This is an image slideshow which scrolls the images in a "conveyor belt" fashion.
PHP Hit Counter
This extension provides an easy way to add a simple hit counter to your web pages.
News Writer
This extension implements a simply server based CMS application that allows you to edit parts of your website online.
The HTML Art extension converts an image to HTML!
Ransom Note
This extension creates a "ransom note" image just like ransom notes on an old TV series...
Party Text
Just another way for creating fun logos.
jQuery Portlets (DEPRECATED)
With this extension you can create your own iGoogle or Netvibes website...
The AllWebMenus extension provides an easy way to integrate Likno's AllwebMenus into your pages and have access to hundreds of cool menu designs.
Accordion Menu
This extension implements an easy to use accordion navigation menu.
3D Shape
Insert 3D objects to your pages...
The TreeMenu extension displays a list of links in a tree-like format.
JSCookTree Menu
JSCookTree is a powerful tree script with theme support written in JavaScript created by Heng Yuan.
jQuery UI Theme Switcher
jQuery UI Theme Switcher allows you to easily switch from one jQuery UI theme to another.
PHP Blog
An online PHP/MySQL blog with many nice features.
Pop Art
This extension simulates the Pop Art silkscreen effect as made famous by Andy Warhol.
Data Viewer
Data Viewer can display data from CSV files, a MS Access database or MySQL tables.
jQuery Toolkit
Add powerful jQuery UI features (drag, drop, sort, resize, select) to your website with just a few mouse clicks!
News Writer Pro
This is a "Pro" version of the News Writer extension with several extra 'Pro' features!
Online Photo Gallery
Online Photo Gallery is an easy and feature-rich online (database driven) photo gallery solution to manage photos online.
Online Photo Album
Online Photo Album can display images from a folder (no database required) on the server without the need to republish the page.
Online Slide Show
The Online Slide Show extension is an online version of the standard Slide Show object in WYSIWYG Web Builder.
HTML Area Pro
An easy way to add an online WYSIWYG editor to your forms! HTML Area Pro supports several popular editors: CKEditor, TinyMCE, CLEditor.
jQuery Blur
This extension is based on blur.js. blur.js is a jQuery plugin that produces psuedo-transparent blurred elements over other elements.
Film Strip Gallery
This extension displays images like a film strip. You can link each of the images in the gallery to a different URL or trigger a lightbox.
jQuery Masonry
The jQuery Masonry extension makes it possible to create layouts that adapt to the screen size dynamically (responsive layout)!
jQuery FAQ
This extension provides an easy way to create a simple Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.
Cookie Policy
This extension was designed to show a (growl-like) notification message about the use of cookies.
CSS Sprite Image
An image sprite is a collection of images put into a single image. Using image sprites will reduce the number of server requests and save bandwidth.
NOP Shopping Cart
NOP's Shopping Cart is a client-sided cart implemented with JavaScript.
jQuery Montage
Automatically create an image montage from a set of images, either for a liquid container or a fixed size container with the option to fill all the gaps.
MySQL Connector
The MySQL connector extension makes it possible to display data from a MySQL database in form fields.
MySQL Table Editor
Using the MySQL Table Editor you can Add, Edit, View or Delete records of a MySQL table. There is also a built-in search option!
Bootstrap Accordion Menu (PAID)
Implements an accordion menu based on Bootstrap’s collapse.js script.
Bootstrap Navigation Bar (PAID)
Implements a multi-level, responsive navigation bar optimized for desktop computers and mobile (touch) devices with lots of options.
Expandable Panel Menu (PAID)
The Expandable Panel Menu is a multi-level panel (side) menu.
Fullscreen Overlay Menu (PAID)
A responsive menu that takes up the entire screen when expanded, with many cool animations and transpareny support.
Multi Level Panel Menu (PAID)
A panel/side menu with dedicated section for social icons.
Responsive Multi Level Menu (PAID)
A responsive, space-saving drop-down menu with subtle effects.
Responsive Overlay Menu (PAID)
An overlay menu with categories, cool animations and a dedicated social icon section.
Responsive Data Table (PAID)
The responsive data table extension introduces 3 ways to make HTML tables responsive: Hide columns, Reflow, Flip Scroll.
File Uploader
File Uploader can be used to upload multiple files simultaneously with progress indicator.
jQuery Filterable is a script that allows you to filter the children of an element.
Price Tables (PAID)
This extension helps you create attention-grabbing, responsive pricing tables.
Masonry Gallery (PAID)
The Masonry Gallery extension is a grid based gallery which adapts to the screen size dynamically.
Circle Progressbar
The Circle Progressbar extension displays an animated round progress bar using CSS3.
Invisible reCaptcha
The Invisible reCaptcha extension integrates the new Invisible reCAPTCHA by Google with your WYSIWYG Web Builder site.
jPlayer is HTML5 Audio / Video player with playlist support.
Radial Icon Menu (PAID)
Displays an animated popup menu with round icons around the trigger button.
Radial Text Menu (PAID)
Displays an animated popup menu with round text buttons around the trigger button.
Bootstrap Mega Menu (PAID)
A responsive navigation bar with multi-column drop down menu.
Unite Gallery
A responsive image/video gallery with support for images, YouTube, Vimeo, HTML5 video (mp4), Wistia and SoundCloud!
Responsive Sidebar Menu (PAID)
This menu displays small icons at the left side of the page. When you hover the mouse over the icons, a multi-level menu will become visible.
Animated Line Menu (PAID)
A horizontal text menu with 15 different animated line menu styles.
A lightweight responsive content slider with carousel thumbnails navigation.
HTML5 audio with playlist
This extension adds a playlist to the standard HTML5 audio player..
HTML5 video with playlist
This extension adds a playlist to the standard HTML5 video player.
Perspective Menu (PAID)
A menu that uses CSS3 3D transforms to push the page away to display a menu.
Filter Menu (PAID)
A drop down menu with built-in filter.
Slideout Menu (PAID)
This extension implements an animated slide out menu.
Tree View Menu (PAID)
The TreeView Menu extension displays a list of links in a tree-like format.
Drilldown Menu (PAID)
A multi-level, space saving and responsive drilldown menu.
Expandable Menu (PAID)
A multi-level accordion menu.
Quotes Rotator
A simple automatic quotes rotator with progress bar.
jQuery GoUp!
Let users of your web pages go back directly to the top.
Elevate Zoom
Elevate Zoom is a jQuery Zoom Plugin with window zoom, lens zoom and many other options.
Justified Gallery
A grid based gallery which adapts to the screen size dynamically. It supports images with different sizes and aspect ratios, the images will automatically
New: FitText
FitText makes font-sizes flexible.
New: Flexible Text
Flexible makes font-sizes flexible by using the CSS's vw unit for the font-size.
New: Particles
Particles.js is a lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles.
New: Clip Text
Implements background clipping for text. Also known as ‘knockout text’.
New: Age Validation
Implements a simple page validation popup when visitors are entering a web page.
New: Age Verification
Implements website access restriction based on birth date.
New: OpenStreetMap
Easily integrate free maps powered by into your projects.
New: Sticky Full Screen Menu (PAID)
The Sticky Full Screen Menu extension is a 'sticky' responsive menu that takes up the entire screen when expanded.
New: Circle Menu (PAID)
Displays an animated popup menu with the menu items displayed in a circle.
New: Fan Menu (PAID)
Implements an animated fan-like popup menu around the trigger button.
New: Timeline (PAID)
Implements a responsive vertical timeline. It's great for sharing a story of your projects or a roadmap of its development.
New: Animated Drop Down Menu (PAID)
Implements a responsive dropdown menu with animated sub menus.
New: Elastic Menu (PAID)
This menu has an elastic movement when you switch between active menu items.
New: Gooey Menu (PAID)
Displays an animated popup menu with round icons triggered from a hamburger button.
New: Tooltip Menu (PAID)
This menu will show a tooltip submenu when clicking or hovering over an item.
New: Slideout Panel Menu (PAID)
Implements a multi-level panel menu which can be opened by hovering over a small sidebar.
New: Particles Button
Implements a button that disintegrates into particles when clicked.
New: Shopify
This is a set of 2 extensions for adding Shopify buy buttons to your web pages.
New: Fotorama
A responsive slideshow with thumbnail support.
New: Snowfall
Add falling snow to your pages.
New: Scattered Polaroids
A flat-style Polaroid gallery where the items are scattered randomly in a container.
New: Odometer
Odometer is a Javascript and CSS library for smoothly transitioning numbers.
New: The Matrix
Implements a rain animation inspired by the movie “The Matrix”.