Rabu, 31 Mei 2017

Command Prompt To Unhide Folder and File of Flashdisk

1. Click on "Start" --> Run --> Type cmd and click on OK. 
"Command Prompt" will be opened. Here I assume your flash drive letter as F:
2. Now enter the below command. 
attrib -h -r -s /s /d f:\*.* ---> (f=drive of flashdisk) 
[You can copy the above command --> Right-click in the Command Prompt and paste it.] 
Note :
- Don't forget to replace the letter g with your flash drive letter. - Now press "Enter". - Now check for your files in flash drive. Good Luck. 

Windows Update Stuck Downloading Updates in Windows 10

net stop bitsKetika melakukan windows update dan downloading update mengalami stuck pada angka berapa %, untuk mengatasi hal tsb agar berhalan normal lagi adalah sbg berikut:
1. Open Command Prompt (Admin)
Command Prompt (Admin)

2. Ketik net stop wuauserv (enter)
3. Ketik net stop bits (enter)
langkah 2 % 3 adalah untuk menstop windows update services
net stop wuauserv & net stop bits
4. kemudian browse C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution dan delete folder dan file tersebut (ctrl+a to select all and then delete)
Delete all folder & file on C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution
5. Restart PC
6. Ketik net start wuauserv pada commant Prompt (admin)
7. ketik net start bits pada commant Prompt (admin)
langkah 6 % 7 adalah untuk menstart windows update services lagi

8. Run Windows Update again and see.

9. setelah windows update berhasil, restart.

10. schedule restart pc after windows update berhasil

How to Enable/Disable Windows Photo Viewer in Windows 10

1. Download registry file here: https://www.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Activate-Windows-Photo-Viewer-on-Windows-10.zip
2. Klik 2x file Enable/Disable registrynya:

How to install Microsoft Office Picture Manager di Windows 10

1. Download Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 atau 2007, jangan yang 2013 cos SharePoint Designer 2013 does not include the Picture Manager. Saya menggunakan Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 (64-bit) : https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=24309
2. Install seperti gambar dibawah ini:
- klik 2 kali filenya
- klik accept
- pilih custom
- ikuti spt gbr berikut:

3. Klik Install Now dan tunggu sampai selesai proses installnya
4. Finish

Senin, 29 Mei 2017


  1. Press Win+R on you keyboard to launch Run. Type regedit and hit OK. It will run Registry Editor
  2. In Registry Editor, proceed as following: HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > DownloadManager
  3. Double click on the name LstCheck (it can be LastCheck for older IDM versions)
  4. Change the value to a much future date as I did
  5.  Hit OK and close Registry editor
  6.  Restart your PC

Selasa, 23 Mei 2017

Menghapus Spasi Ekstra Di Dokumen Word


  1. Tekan tombol CTRL + H untuk membuka tab Replace.
  2. Klik tombol More >> dan centang kotak Use wildcards.
  3. Pada kotak Find what ketik ( ){2;} dan pada kotak Replace ketik \1 seperti contoh gambar berikut ini.
    Hal penting: bila settingan komputer Anda menggunakan tanda pemisah koma (,) untuk list separator, maka ganti kode pada kotak Find what menjadi seperti ini ( ){2,} 
  4. Word akan memberitahukan jumlah replacement yang dibuat.

Jumat, 19 Mei 2017

Diskpart For Create Bootable USB

- Open Command Prompt run as Administrator
- Use Command below:
list disk
select disk ?
create partition primary
select partition 1
format fs=ntfs quick label=”Win8-RP-x64” 

- Mount iso file use poweriso or other iso management application
- use command below to Copy all file from mount iso file:
xcopy g:\*.* e:\ /E /H /F